
Hi my loves, i just wanted to update all of you on where i am currently . For the past few years i have been struggling with severe spinal pain, for which ive had to have 2 surgeries, which ive explained to all of you before. What i have not told you though , is that i have been struggling mentally due to my rapidly failing marraige. I have now had to finally admit that my marraige had failed and that there was no repairing it, and i asked him to leave. Addiction is not something to joke about or to take lightly, and it was crippling my family. So i am now seperated from the man that was the love of my life for 18 years and im trying to adjust. I want to thank you all for your patience  and your love for my stories and my characters. Pls know i love and appreciate each and every one of you


@mmsmit - I do hope you see this and read it!  I found you through your the series My Broken Mate. I was going to start on the third book and saw it was still ongoing which brought me to your board to look for an update about it. I believe I found it!
          	  I want to tell you that it will all be ok eventually. Eventually doesn’t have a time frame but when eventually gets there you will know it!
          	  I’m also sorry to hear what’s happened to your marriage. It’s never easy letting go after that many years but know that for every door that closes there will be another on that will open and will be better than you could have possibly imagined.
          	  I absolutely feel for you with your back. My daddy had 3 back surgeries and I’ve had 2 neck surgeries. I remember what he went through with his and at the time technology was nothing compared to now and the medical industry has come so far now it’s amazing! Still pertaining to the spine, my husband had neck surgery on 01/31/2025. It was 1 fusion and 2 disc replacements. No neck brace, was told to move it as much as possible. 2 weeks and 3days later he was back at work with no problems. The week before he took off on one of his motorcycles to see how he would do and there was no issues. Me, 1st neck surgery I was in a rigid neck brace for 6 weeks using a bone stimulator for 6 months. 2nd surgery was a disc replacement and was on light duty for 6 weeks. So it’s come a long way.
          	  Now that I’ve babbled, what’s important is for you to take care of yourself and get better soon! 
          	  Live your life to its fullest
          	  Laugh until your belly hurts
          	  Love deeply with all your heart 
          	  Smile because you can and it makes people wonder what you are up to!! ❤️


@mmsmit Hi, I hope you are better both physically and psychologically. Your stories are amazing and I hope they continue. But if it doesn't, I hope you have a beautiful and happy life.


@mmsmit ♥️❤️we love strong....


Author  pls pls update                 
          If this book series will continue.  I really want to read abt randy and timmy pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls  
          Pls updated a chapter about randy and timmy