IM GONNA BE HONEST. I am the worst author to ever live. Am I going to try to make a millionth comeback and then lie and not continue books? Not necessarily. See, I'm really really REALLY insecure about my actions online. I think, "I should've and could've done better with that chapter. This book looks hORRIBLE." And it sucks bc im on wattpad like, everyday reading a lot of books in guilt bc i can't do what those aMAZING authors do. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but it is. I'm here, guys. I feel terrible bc I feel like everytime I get a good idea and put it into action, it's not good enough. I just don't have motivation. I swear dudes, a have a serious case of procrastination and thought i could disappear off the side of the earth when i started procrastinating in the first place. Welp. This was a lengthy rant. I don't care if no one sees it, this is what was on my chest. I'm good now. I'm distracted with life. Okay. Okay. I'm done. With the rant, not wattpad lmao. K byeeeee