
Reading posts here; one of you suggested Neobook but I don't know how to start ;-; anyone uses both and could share how's the difference like?


I'm back on track hopefully, I spent a lot on school/continuing the first bundle (aiming for 10-12 chapters in volume) for my debut series after researching a lot of psychology and unspoken social interaction in irl forums/websites/behavior/observable dynamics to write how people behave and act. Still thinking of deleting my suspended twitter account.


A bachelor/bachelorette is a person who would never marry, yet a bachelor party is a party of instead a party full of bachelors but a celebration of a soon-to-be married guy as if that was his last moments of chastity... ironic.


I'm gonna join the SCP foundation since I can't create my own wikidot account, I would have to go to a discord or disqus to find a willing user who would collab with me
          shh it's mostly my idea and the other person just editing it and adding more stories


Nah people flunked the scientific writing, seems like a mix of scientific journalism and comedy/narrations are they key to go


Hopefully so, if a rift really happens then umm... it's just my luck eh


my twin came back from the hospital with a cane but her cane head is different from arisu's and the cane is blue. during the stay she complained her phone and pc died so many times. wish her good luck, she's back but with a cane


before she was hospitalized she carries an umbrella/ trolley all the time