I have something to announce.
Last night, my dog, the family dog who has been with us for the last 10 years since he was only a month old was unfortunately no longer with us. Max, that dog didn't die because of old age, disease, injuries, or accidents. He was poisoned. Someone was cruel enough to poison a dog.
After his afternoon meal, he went out like he always did before returning home. He went to the living room where my father was watching TV when he suddenly puked and defecated before going into a seizure. My mother thought rabies or some illness but my father grimly said he was poisoned. My little brother, my father, and I were with him throughout the cruel ordeal before he finally succumbed to the poison.
He was buried that night in our yard. I don't know exactly what breed he was, but in Indonesian, he was "anjing kampung," or village dog, as the most literal translation.
I know I have not updated many of my active books lately, but this unfortunate incident has affected me and my family greatly. Max died painfully and unjustly. Unfortunately, I have to put a hold on writing on Wattpad for a while.
Thank you to those who have followed me since the very beginning, best regards, Mobilesuit