
Hello everyone!! 
          	So, I wanted to heavily apologize for my lack of communication and updates. Things have been insanely busy lately and I simply haven't been able to put aside time to write or inform you guys what's going on. 
          	pronouns have changed for me along with my name. Mocha (they/she). This change has both benefited and injured me in my social life which in return affects how I'm writing.
          	I am in school. With this comes challenges of trying to balance school and writing as well as keep up a social life. Balancing all of that normally doesn't work, so I have to put writing aside to maintain the other two. In fact, I'm writing this while in one of my classes.
          	I have been working very hard lately to keep the stories I write interesting and so they don't lose interest. Our Senior Year is extremely difficult to keep exciting and action-packed when it's such a mellow story. Though, I will continue to work hard to get you guys the content you want.
          	I believe that's all for now. I'll try my best to keep you guys updated more often.


Hello everyone!! 
          So, I wanted to heavily apologize for my lack of communication and updates. Things have been insanely busy lately and I simply haven't been able to put aside time to write or inform you guys what's going on. 
          pronouns have changed for me along with my name. Mocha (they/she). This change has both benefited and injured me in my social life which in return affects how I'm writing.
          I am in school. With this comes challenges of trying to balance school and writing as well as keep up a social life. Balancing all of that normally doesn't work, so I have to put writing aside to maintain the other two. In fact, I'm writing this while in one of my classes.
          I have been working very hard lately to keep the stories I write interesting and so they don't lose interest. Our Senior Year is extremely difficult to keep exciting and action-packed when it's such a mellow story. Though, I will continue to work hard to get you guys the content you want.
          I believe that's all for now. I'll try my best to keep you guys updated more often.


Surprise!! As an extremely late January gift, I have put out the third chapter of Our Senior Year!! Lots of new feelings has been caught in this highly buzzing chapter. 
          How do you think Aliani should deal with her feelings? Bottle them up or talk to one of her friends? And if so, who would she talk to?
          Thank you guys for being so patient with these updates!! This year is already not going as planned so I am trying my best to get things out in an orderly fashion. Please enjoy this chapter!!
          Author~Chan/Drai :)


hey hey hey!! quick update since i may get the second chapter out sometime tonight!!
          i am so sorry i wasn’t able to get it out by the 25th like anticipated!! i’ve been more busy than i could’ve ever believed. due to this, i had to put Our Senior Year on the back burner for a bit. but, it should be released tonight.
          how was everyone’s holidays? spent well? i’m hoping that with the new year i’ll be able to release more in a more timely manner. what’s your new years resolution? 
          author~chan/Drai :)


Heyo, everyone!! Chapter one of the new story is out now!! It's extremely late, here where I am, but I am very proud to say that it only took me a month to finish that chapter with over 2,000 words!! I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It would mean a lot to me if you guys would forward it around and get the word out about it!!
          Thank you guys for being so amazing!!
          Signed~ Drai/Author~Chan


Hey hey hey!! It's been far too many months since I have given you guys any updates, and that's on me, so I'm sorry!
          Some good news is that the sequel to the JamesXReader should be released very soon!!
          Along with that story, there's another one being released in the near future hopefully. It isn't a fanfiction, I know; shocking, but it is a love story that I already love. 
          I will try and become more active, keep in touch!!
          Signed~ Drai/Author~Chan


@draiiiiii ooooo exciting!! Can't wait to see your new works!


so, I've been working on a lot of stories that won't be released here, sorry about me not being active or anything. most of the time, I am active, but I'm too distracted from whatever I'm reading to pay attention to.
          hope you all are doing well in quarantine. sadly, this is going to become the new normal for a while. just remember you're loved and people are excited to see you again! <3
          Signed~ Drai/Author~Chan