THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR EXPOSING THAT ALLIVIA GIRL !!Last week , when she asked my bf their date idea, he said that he was sorry because he was already dating...She said okay & after that she made a rant on my bf abt how much my bf hurt her feelings because she loved him so much..When I checked his convo , I saw their date planning [but I don't think he meant it romantically ]I then felt bad & apologized her cause I didn't knew abt her loving him..Then bfr my comment was sent , she sent me a message saying ' I see u r the girl he upgraded to, Congrats'..I was like GwOrL what!? But I still sent the other message..She said ok and thanked me for apologizing,it's not my fault, but it is no use cause she won't get love , I comforted her a little bit..Later in the same book, my bf posted saying that it was his fault for setting her hopes high..I said its my fault for not checking her old post..She saw our message and said that we can talk lovely in private and let her suffer in peace..My bf said his explanation and said she shouldn't had made me sad..She replied saying" I didn't mean to make her feel bad but I felt like dying, don't you even care about that?!?"I was literally speechless when she said that!!My bf and her again had a small talk and sorted out.. I just , see she is 16 , my bf's 19 & i'm 14..I am the youngest of the three & my bf carried out the problem maturely ..But Allivia??She is 2 years older than me , but she just sometimes treats wp a personal diary ..She shares things sometimes which is meant to be kept secret[example: her number!!]All I can say is both me and my bf were both uncomfortable during the argument sorta convo with her and I'm sure some of you all are uncomfortable too!!