
/  cb ++ spec! (this can also be a request to reply if ive forgotten :D)


/               how dare u stop me from one of my fav ships.  ]:<  but it's fine dw!!


@cruoric /


/               any, I'll reply shortly.


〔 I have random muse, so here you go. get ready for angst, that cancled date nigjt scenario put into play. 〕
          cruell actually stood him up. not even a call or warning, but in his defence, he answered his phone and sounded terrible. like he'd been out of breath or even crying on top of that. he made it clear to stay away. he didn't want to get him sick as well. by the next day, the twins were seen seeing someone off. someone very wealthy by the look of their car and clothes. someone important with how well they treated him. well, until he was far enough away for their expressions to simply turn to disgust and hate. the frenshman. cruell never talked about him. only that his boss was a very dangerous man and there wasn't really anything he could do to change that. 
          they seemed so saddened when they noticed the model come closer. as if they didn't know what to do. like this was a gard decision to send him away and lie or to actually let him in and say just enough to pain a picture but not too much as to save cruell from the grief. they know he'd rather explain it all himself, but this was never a subject het like to talk about. " he is sleeping ... I'm not sure if you'd like to wait or ... "


@woodlanddruid )
            a sharp intake of breath — and then silence.  elio didn't need to hear the rest,  it was clear what had happened and he felt sick to his stomach.  how could any father figure do such a thing to their child?  he could feel the bile crawling up his throat at just the thought,  hands tightly gripping the paper bag as he tried to ignore the images that flashed in his mind.
            " please let me in —  i won't touch him,  i can even leave before he notices but he needs to eat something.  /anything/. "  the model pleaded,  desperation in his voice.  he knew what it was like; to crash.  the panic,  the out of body experience.  there was no other way to explain it except for the fact that it felt like a spark in you dies a horrible, slow death.  but cruell had the twins to care for him,  and now elio,  all of who were determined to nurse him back to his full potential.
            the tall man pushed past both twins,  finding himself in the kitchen. as elio scouraged through the cupboards he noticed how fancy the pots were,  unused to such simple luxury.  but it would have to do,  at least to warm up the soup.  and while he was there,  might as well make something else.  soon enough the house smelled of aromatics,  the gentle tap tap of the knife against a wooden cutting board to accompany it.  " make sure he isn't healing on an empty stomach.  he needs lots of fluids and food to flush any remnants out. " elio said firmly,  like a mother instructing a child.  but then his hand stalled for a moment. who was he to be telling the twins this?  they've been caring for cruell longer than elio has even known the designer.  he was.. disposable? short term?  none of those words felt quite right,  or maybe he didn't want them to be.
            (  better late than never ! )


they would almost share a look of guilt for a moment. they didn't know how to trat this horrible mess. especially knowing that cruell cared so much for this man. " please just know, it isn't his choice or fault at all. that man is truly despicable – " one would finally say, as if he knew the wrong messages were coming across. he would lead elio in, letting the other go back upstairs to help prepare for the outbreak that was to come. the norning after was always the worst. with the confusion and just all the negative feelings swelled up so badly. years of abuse and all the progress if getting clean, just snatched away like that. the frenshman's face alone was enough to make those two sick, so they couldn't begin to inagine how cruell felt. 
            " I'll tell you, but only to make it easier for the both of you. because I know he won't ve goung to work for a while because of all this. " he would stop having heard something break upstairs. nost likely something got thrown but he trusted his brother was handling it. seems he woke up with a nasty fight and flught instinct this time. " this has been happening since he turned 18. that man was supposed to be a father to him but — " did he even have to say anything? he was sure the single father could piece it together now. enough to make sense of the situation at least.  
            upstairs it was sadly a fight noth twins were used to. the usual " don't touch me " yells in pure anger as he was trying to piece together all the horrible things that happened. all the bruises and marks. the pure self disgust he had. like he was a plague. all while the other was just trying to help him get to a bath. help him feel a little cleaner and help the sudden crash from the drug pass a little easier. 


@dress2impress )
            elio had been stood up on many dates before but never had it been anyone he actually liked as much as cruell.  so naturally his heart filled with worry when he heard cruell's hoarse voice on the other side of the line. he said he was sick,  and not to come otherwise elio might catch it too.  and even though the model knew that his boss had the twins to care for him,  he couldn't stand aside and not offer any help.
            his eyes followed the expensive car as it drove away,  placing doubt in his mind. was this truly the right decision?  had cruell truly been sick or had he simply not been interested?  elio gripped the paper bag tightly,  saving whatever dignity he had left before walking up to the twins.  " oh that's okay,  i just came here to bring some soup and medicine.  i'll be in and out before he wakes up." and honestly, elio didn't want to stay long enough to see cruell anyways.  simply because he knew that it would get way too personal in such a little amount of time. working for cruell would be difficult if the relationship ended horribly, and frankly sébastien was his top priority so he couldn't afford to let work and romance intermingle more than it already had.  


*        YES RAHHH


*.             im so sorry i forgot like. Everything 




/  cb ++ spec! (this can also be a request to reply if ive forgotten :D)


/               how dare u stop me from one of my fav ships.  ]:<  but it's fine dw!!


@cruoric /


/               any, I'll reply shortly.


the creature guided the human up the hill, ensuring the other wouldn't trip due to the steps. their home was finally built after months of hard labour & sweat. of course, it wasn't all it's doing, the husband ensured its wife had input, too, but the final designs were never put up front for elio to see. 
          the home was generous, & they had plenty of land for all to roam. though their family was small now, given how they may end up producing "one or two" more, it figured that it more space would be beneficial. the creature untied the blind fold over elio's eyes. 


                    had I͟T͟ possessed a tail right now, it would be swaying viciously, the slightly pressure I͟T͟ felt against the belly was enough to boost I͟T͟S͟ serotonin.     even with elios' words, I͟T͟ was at a loss for words.          ❛    my child...    ❜
                    W͟R͟A͟T͟H͟ knew that this was due to who I͟T͟ was outside of the family dynamic.      had reid just been any hybrid, the reaction most likely would not have been received.          ❛     i know of someone.       but i will have to go see her personally before i take you.       ❜ 
                   not that I͟T͟ didn't trust her, but I͟T͟ didn't trust her like I͟T͟ didn't trust anyone.        the C͟R͟E͟A͟T͟U͟R͟E͟ stayed crouching before the other, though now it was mostly because the detective was thoroughly enjoying his touch.      though, soon it would stand, needing to break the news.          ❛    it would be a day trip...        ❜


@cruoric )
            a shocked little gasp was pulled from elio's lips when the baby responded to the creature's words.   pressing against his hand the smallest foot before settling again.  hybrids were expected to develop fast but the movement was still very much unexpected.
            "  that was the first time they've ever done that, mon roi.  they must instinctively respond to you.  "
            and of course elio had tried as well,  talking to the baby daily despite being unsure of what stage they were in.   but clearly little osito was missing their sire.  the only problem now was that he had no idea when this baby was coming.
            "  should we find a doctor?  not a human one,  if the baby looks anything like your other form they will try to harm them. "
            he ran his fingers through its slicked hair,  careful not to ruin the style.


                      ❛    i am certain he will be pleased when he hears the good news...    ❜
                   the creature was sure to reject many offers to travel, while yes, it needed to keep the global mystic rates low.     it prioritised family first.     but if it needed to, reid was going to go all out — to great lengths to ensure that nothing lasted over two weeks long. 
                  when the creature had its mind on something, it would become impossible to change its mind.     reid didn't enjoy missing out on moments with its family, but it knew there needed to be balance to ensure the safety of them.
                      ❛    a name?    hmm, this is difficult..   i do not know.  osito, for now.     ❜ 
                 if the baby was calm, it seemed too early to give a name if it wasn't showing any signs.     
                      ❛    te gusta?    ❜
                 it purred & kissed the belly, speaking to the baby as if it would respond to it. 
            /               i refuse to forgive u if there's a third.☠️


       ╱    ╱       gracias,   yours is truly beautiful. :)


         ╱    ╱       yes! I'm very excited & sorry for the late response!


         ╱     ╱          yes & they can think elio was a part of it! so there is miscommunication between the two & he believes that elio too betrayed him


╱    ╱      yes! that sounds great :D    lowkey kinda excited to the part of them getting along to suddenly having some angsty


; oohhhh I'll send via discord


I am just been through a lot 


; awe thank you


; dis your man ?


; all to keep him safe 


; you know they 'accidentally' tripped the boss a few times as kids 


; twins will come in clutch, killing one of the boss' lap dogs and making it out as if he attached both the boss and cruell.


here stood charles,  dressed up in a black turtle neck & black pants,  a jewl necklace & a sweet pinkness over his face,  outside the cafe they were supposed to meet at.  he checked his phone for the time again.  well.  the other was running a bit late now ...  he sighed. 


            elio ran up to the other,   clearly out of breath.  "sorry i'm late,  i couldn't decide what to wear."  he apologized nervously,  face flushed.  it was clear that he had tried to put in effort though,  a red satin button up with black slacks and some bracelets to match. "shall we go in?"