bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Hi guys... I'm so sorry it's been like over a month since an update. But can I just say that January and this month so far really just fucked me in the ass? It was something new every week. I thought "it can't get any worse from here" and then it did... And now today I just realized that the person I had invested 3 months of my time with, gave them absolutely everything, someone who I was completely and utterly devoted to and in love with... Is deadass a sociopath... All I was to him was prey... I'm still having trouble processing it all. I am so hurt and shaken by the whole thing. So I'm sorry I haven't really been too inspired to write lately. But I think this experience will lead to some great results in my writing once I've healed a bit, especially in the Outlawry trilogy. Thanks for your patience guys, I'll give more details as to what's been going on in my life in the next Outlier update:) thank you for all of the support.