


I wan nominated by @mintthecat to do the fifteen facts thing and I can't refuse (smh)
          the rules are:
          1. you cannot, I repeat CANNOT REFUSE
          2. you must, MUST post these rules
          3. if you've done it once, do it again
 have to tag fifteen people
          5. you have to write fifteen facts about yourself.
          let's begin:
          I am young
          I was born August tenth
          I like to write 
          I have many friends but not as many as I think
          I play the flute
          I am friends with this kid named Anthony
          I am a pretty chill person
          I like tea
          I don't drink Starbucks a lot
          I say 'chicken' a lot
          I barely know three people on here
          I'm probably going to cry because I can't tag fifteen people
          Maddie got annoyed so I did this challenge
          I have five siblings
          I have three dogs, two cats and two hamsters
          @my followers since it's not tagging 
          (if I can figure out how to fix it I'll add the tags)