It's really good to see you here jikooker/amii i'm here frm your youtube channel & your new follower❤ ''You nice, keep going✌'' Stay healthy. Saranghae ❤
@mokieneyyel : Tysm for replying♡♡ i really enjoyed all your ff in utube. Are you going to post your all youtube ff here? If so i'd be very happy that many Jikookers also read this ff :) Or you're gonna post new stories here? Sorry it's just my curiosity. I love to read your ff. So i just want to know. Love your work <3
@KoushambiMukharjee Hellooooo It's really good to see you here too buddy ! <3 thank you so much for coming here all the way from youtube <3 i luve you <3 stay healthy and saranghae too <3