
I actually finally updated City of Surprises. For those of you who have read the extra story in the back of Lady Midnight (the one with Sizzy, Clace, and Malec) this definitely does not go along with that whatsoever. I'm not going to spoil anything, but Clary got on my last nerve with that ending. I still have to finish the rest of the book, I just saw TMI and started reading.


I actually finally updated City of Surprises. For those of you who have read the extra story in the back of Lady Midnight (the one with Sizzy, Clace, and Malec) this definitely does not go along with that whatsoever. I'm not going to spoil anything, but Clary got on my last nerve with that ending. I still have to finish the rest of the book, I just saw TMI and started reading.


Another chapter of "City of Surprises" is up! This one answers the question of what Isabelle does to deal with the secret she's kept and, in literally the first 200 words, what Robert thinks of Alec and Magnus. There's a moment towards the end that I thought some might think of as out of character for Alec and Isabelle, but their brother/ sister relationship have been written about that much. Anyway, hope you enjoy and now would be the perfect time to start reading this if you haven't!


Finally writing again. I didn't notice how much I missed it, especially with "City of Surprises." A new chapter of that is FINALLY up. This one is 100% Sizzy and deals with a question that I think would be rattling around in Simon's brain as well as how Isabelle dealt with her argument with her dad. What going to happen with Robert and Alec? Will he give him permission to marry Magnus or will Isabelle tell his dirty little secret? (That's going to be in the next chapter)


Wrote a few chapters of "City of Surprises", added a cover for it, and added a little bit of plot to it. If you're a fan of The Mortal Instruments and haven't read it already, go check that out! I think tonight was productive enough for me to go to sleep happy. Goodnight my wonderful followers!