Hi friends! I know I've been absent for a long while. I had surgery in March and it took two to three weeks to heal. During that time, I was able to upload five chapters of Rescue Me, but haven't done much writing since then. I was spending a lot of time focusing on my job, however...I guess it wasn't enough, because they let me go last week.
I've kind of been in a weird place since then, dealing with a lot of other stuff. My dog's health isn't doing too well, and one of my pet rats had to be euthanized because she was really sick and in a lot of pain. And now I've lost my job. I'm unsure of where to go with my life at this moment. A lot is unsure for me right now. And yet...I was able to write! Tonight/this morning, I posted the next chapter for my story The Other Side, and also just posted Chapter Nineteen for Legend of the White Wolf.
Since I have some free time now (haha right..) I'm hoping to have the next five chapters of Rescue Me for you all soon.
Thank you so much, all of you who have been so patient and understanding while waiting for my updates. I really appreciate it.
Much love, mollysue