
Yooo someone turned 19 this morning, wonder who?


Bro please update the Elora College Book! 
          I really love to read that book and would really want to see Ash and Dawn get together in that. 


@momentai24 so when can we expect it? 


@samanvi1984 ye, same plz its hard to find decent pearlshipping lol


@shanmishra4  we understand but please try to updat as soon as you can


Hey guys! So this is a little update thingy cause I really hate putting them in chapters and I had a decent bit to say (all good things I swear!).
          So, according to my calendar, today marks the two year anniversary of PEC being released. That is, in a word, amazing. I started this story two years ago and... Wow, it's really been two years... Dang.
          With that being said, I wasn't writing for that full time. During 2018-2019 I was trying to enjoy my last year of high school and also focus on school, not to mention starting college. I had less time to write and less motivation to write for various reasons, but I really wanted to continue the story cause there was so much more to write!
          So if anyone was wondering why 2019 had so few chapters added to the story, that's why. I have been getting back into writing, but it's a slow process. I basically just write out a full scene every few nights and then stop. It helps me to relax and it works pretty well overall. I need to start planning out what to do next, but I do have a few more chapters planned out and I have around two chapters finished already that I just haven't published yet. We're trying to get back in the game.
          This story is so fun to write, but it's only when I feel motivated to and really want to. February isn't always my best month and I'm always going to put school on a higher pedestal than the story because college makes a bigger difference in my life than this fun little passion project of mine. So updates will be a bit slow for right now, but I'm doing what I can to write more.
          No idea how many of my readers are gonna see this (I mean, I still get tons of notifications about PHS and that was finished over three years ago... Arceus, I'm getting old...), but if you did read this... Hi, and thank you!
          Well, that's all I got. Have a wonderful day, God bless, and momentai!


45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
          Hi nice to meet a fellow Christian this is on verses I like in the Book of Mormon 


Very cool!