So my grandfather passed about... two days ago. He had just beat stage 4 Kidney Cancer, had a stroke, broke his hip, wrecked his car, and been in the hospital multiple times in the course of one year. Finally, his heart couldn't take it and he passed. It has been a lot for me. However, I am working on updates. My Dachshund breeding (licensed and 100% healthy dogs) has started taking off, we hired one artist (working on a second) and my Scoliosis is getting so bad I can't sleep at night. My doctor told me I could be paralyzed so it's a lot. I'm in my early twenties. However, I will be working on updates which includes starting stories for Dying Light 2 along with my own stories. I have been ready to do a Rowe story along with Aitor. Here we go! Please get better 2022!