
I need a good niall a.u book ..  pls pls... you dont undetstand my need for it


So.... I typed out an entire chapter of TMCDIL in my cell since I felt guilty for leaving you guys hanging and then ?? BAM  !  My cell won't connect only my IPad is .... Why oh why I promise it will be up as soon as my wifi has some sympathy on me ... Forgive me ... And slam my router with rotten fruits 


Hey all ypu awesome people.... *comes out from behind the wall* so... i just realised- hey no put down that rotten tomato put it down! Pls.. yeah so as i was saying i realised ive been a crappy author... so um yeah ... thta does not mean ypu throw ritten tomatoes at me *glares at person till they drop the tomato* thank you *smiles* so as i was exams are going on.. dissadvantage if getting educated and being an asian.. so... ill update soon ive already planned out tge chapter and written half of each FFY and TMCDIL .... so um by the end of the week maybe.. thank you so much once again for sticking with me