
Am I alive?
          	Am I still writing?
          	Am I still reading stories?
          	Am I still Little at times?
          	Have I forgotten to publish what I have written?
          	Am I so busy that I almost have no time for anything but work and sleep?
          	The answer to these questions are a simple YES. And when I have time to do anything, I am so tired I don’t want to do anything except sit here and maybe watch a show. But with everyone in my house sleeping at night, when I’m awake, I have to sit outside in the cold so I don’t wake them up. The joys of working at night, I guess.


@pick2libros That and, Hello part 4 that I just posted. It’s not much, but I am still here.


@monasabay0010, go inside and be a quiet widdle mousy so you are at least warm. I knew you are busy, that's why I try not to pester you, but I'm still glad for this update as proof of existence.


Am I alive?
          Am I still writing?
          Am I still reading stories?
          Am I still Little at times?
          Have I forgotten to publish what I have written?
          Am I so busy that I almost have no time for anything but work and sleep?
          The answer to these questions are a simple YES. And when I have time to do anything, I am so tired I don’t want to do anything except sit here and maybe watch a show. But with everyone in my house sleeping at night, when I’m awake, I have to sit outside in the cold so I don’t wake them up. The joys of working at night, I guess.


@pick2libros That and, Hello part 4 that I just posted. It’s not much, but I am still here.


@monasabay0010, go inside and be a quiet widdle mousy so you are at least warm. I knew you are busy, that's why I try not to pester you, but I'm still glad for this update as proof of existence.


How are you? Have you gotten any rest or at least a day off?


@monasabay0010, thinking and doing are very different. Most of us have dark thoughts. It's what we act on that makes a difference.


@pick2libros Don’t be so sure about that. I am very wicked, in my own ways.  Anyone would be surprised if they knew the truth about me and what I can think up.


@monasabay0010, no way are you wicked! Somebody's fibbing to you.


Just checking in on you. It's 6 degrees here this morning and the electricity just came back on after being off nearly 3 hours. I regret having an all electric house.


@monasabay0010, I hope you can get some rest and feel refreshed.


@pick2libros Not sleeping that good right now. But that should be changing soon.


@monasabay0010, are you working more than usual or not sleeping well?


Just wanted to reach out and let you know how much your stories have touched my heart.  The world you created, the experiances, the magic, I just want to grab my love and jump into the pages and live there together.  Your writing style and the characters you create just have this warm comforting feeling.  Like somehow I get the feeling I'm being held in a strong hug after reading your stories.  
          Just letting you know I'm thinking of you, hopping what ever trobles you are going through get better.


@DanielleMcGregor Yes. I is a Little. And it’s Little Scooby that writes the stories. My adult self does not write.


So you’re a little? I’m new to reading your stories. 


Thank you for your message. This makes me feel a lot better about my writing. And, you are not the only one that wishes to jump into one of my stories. At least near the end of them. And as for feeling that strong hug, I feel it too. I’m just glad my Little side tells me these stories so I can enjoy them after I translate them for him. I never know what the story is about until after it’s published. Odd, I know. But there it is.


I sent you an email when you can catch a breath long enough to check.


@monasabay0010, I don't even use much ice.


@pick2libros ok now that is weird.


@monasabay0010, you're welcome. That's what friends do. I had a dream last night that you moved cross country and had a storage unit beside mine in town. Then it got weird with what I was finding in my storage unit that I do not actually own like a table top ice maker.