Will leaving Wattpad now help? We already lost whatever data was here due to the breach. I think it's better to change password and to take other security measures. And I am angry too and I am not saying to trust Wattpad... But I was just wondering... I am so confused, I feel like leaving but then I don't really want to leave Wattpad. IDK what to do anymore. What should I do?
@monijinhopemochi Agreed but I am just so confused. I am not blaming wattpad but I just don't know.
@monijinhopemochi I am pretty lost because nothing happened to me. I think it's best to not leave because it wasn't Wattpad's fault for us getting hacked. Wattpad already provides us with the necessities to protect our account. It's just that the hacker was able to break through somehow and take the info. I feel it's not right that we blame Wattpad for someone else's good knowledge of hacking. So I don't think we all need to vent out all of our anger and frustrations on Wattpad when they aren't even at fault.