Thanks for adding the dark rituals to your library. There are four books in the series. And hold onto your hats it’s one crazy ride!!

@catrinaburgess ooo well i would love to give feedback, it is my favourite thing, i love your writtings i think there great and the process is a fool proof way to perfection, im so happy you read the first chapter and could see past the errors, the idea is quite a compelling idea towards the end ill say, but i want stories to have the audience split between to possibilities with sprinkles of a third for the smart arses... but the third being completely possible once u find out and thats the part thats scary

@monkeyboycom well as a beta reader I will be sending you chapters to scope out for your feedback before I post the chapters on wattpad. Very cool on starting two horror stories. I do that... I write a fast and very messy draft of the story and then go back and polish up ... fix up the grammar—spelling and dialogue. It is never my favorite thing to do, but it is something you need to do for your readers. You want to make the story as smooth and error free as you can for them. I read the first chapter of the pied piper one. It is a very cool story idea! I dig that he has a daughter! But you need to go polish it up.. what you have so far so you can get more readers on it. Then keep fast drafting the story and the going bAck and polishing up. Love writing more than anything, but getting the story all out just takes being stubborn and refusing to stop working on it until it’s all done. Yeah I need to take this advice on the dark ritual story I started, but put away and have slacked on. Lol pulling it out to work on it today!

@catrinaburgess that is quite the shopping list ahahah, i cant wait to see what you co.e up with i will be reading as soon as it is up, i am working on some of my own, i created 2 starts of some horror esc stories, but they have been staryed very quickly just before i forgot the ideas, so punctuation, spellong, grammar its all mistakes but i think my concepts and ideas are thick and really quite something.