
OMG, I saw you read Road Trippin from Mina Lisly and you NEED to read the Boss’s Daughter such a great story!!!!!


@JustReadingBy798 :  I absolutely love her work and read all of them when she completes them...She's easily one of my favorite writers...The Boss' Daughter is on my list of Sequels Waiting to Be Completed...It's one of the stories I've been excited to read and more so since there's also going to be a sequel...Thank you for following me, I hope you enjoy each of the books and writer's that I have chosen to add to my reading lists...I only read them once they are completed and  only add them to the "Absolute Favorites", "Favorites", and "Liked" once they are completed and I read them and only add those that I enjoyed reading thoroughly and want to help share their talent.


thank you for adding my story, "tobias and tris - best friends" to your reading list :) if you would like to read more divergent stories, you can head over to fanfiction.net and search for "thetruedivergent" to see other things that i've written. i might transfer them over to my wattpad account too, so look out for that :) even if you don't read them, your support is greatly appreciated. ❤