@Elegant_Imani yes they are...and we hve all been so sick lately...my 6 week old has been in and out of the hospital and my lil girl has been real sick so were just trying to get over all that shit now...
@Elegant_Imani yea..im a mommy...but I wouldnt want twins...my 5 yr old boy and 2 yr old girl are horrible with eachother...lol..they fight all the damn time...i got my three so im dne hving babies...lol...but im only 22 so i got plenty of time to put a story up here
@monkeys21 Awww, they must be at the stage of, "Mine, mine, mine! Me, me, me!" lol. They'll grow out of that with the right teacher (you) :)
Yeah, you're young and have babies but you still have time. Even if it's five minutes out the day. :)
@monkeys21 oh and to answer you, that's a good idea. It's usually good to have chapters prewritten. :) it's gonna take hella time but you'll get it written.
@Elegant_Imani yes..the only bad thing is I hve three kids...a 5 and a 2 yr old then my baby is 6 weeks...so I would hve to make sure I got enough typed up and stuff so the updates wouldnt be forever long...i think im gnna try to upload one soon...
@Elegant_Imani thanx for the advice...I also like the ronchy shit...lol...if u hve any advice on writing I would appreciate it...im just terrified to post it cause im afraid noone will like it...
@monkeys21 *fist bump to that!* lol. And yeah sure.I don't mind giving advice. I'm not a pro though so yeah.
Being afraid will keep you from doing a lot of things. Don't let fear stop you from doing what you're destined to. Take a chance and post it. :)