
So I know that most of my followers on here followed me for my DC and Star Wars stuff, so I’ve created a separate account for my original works moving forward.
          	The account is @joshwritesbook so if you’re interesting in my future books please consider following and checking them out. It’d mean a lot to me.
          	My newest book (started today!) is called Finches. It’s a pirate adventure story and will be getting 3 updates per week.
          	Thanks everyone!


Hi there man. Are you doing anymore stories at the moment?


So I know that most of my followers on here followed me for my DC and Star Wars stuff, so I’ve created a separate account for my original works moving forward.
          The account is @joshwritesbook so if you’re interesting in my future books please consider following and checking them out. It’d mean a lot to me.
          My newest book (started today!) is called Finches. It’s a pirate adventure story and will be getting 3 updates per week.
          Thanks everyone!


Hi there man. Are you doing anymore stories at the moment?


Happy 2022 everyone. I wasn't really too active on Wattpad last year, especially after Fandomania 2 did not do near as well as I thought it would. I'm hoping 2022 will be different. I'm still going to wait a little while before continuing with Fandomania and maybe try to gain some more interest in what I have now.
          I've still been busy writing recently, and I'm working on a new original project that's bigger than anything I've done so far. My original stories don't do as well as my fanfictions, but I'm hoping this one will be an exception. This project will come out in March of this year, and I'll be doing an official announcement on it some time between this month and next.
          Just wanted to make this quick update to catch everyone up on me. I'll also be trying to be more active in reading other people's stories in the community, so comment or send me a message telling me how you're doing and what you're working on. Happy belated New Year's, everyone!


Thanks for 5k reads on my Shazam! book. It's by far my most-read book and it's probably the most interacted with too. A lot of its success came from the fact that it was released just before the movie came out, but there are still people reading voting and commenting on it to this day!
          It's also my only DC book that doesn't have an end credits scene. I thought the book ended well and I didn't know if the book would still be popular after the movie came out, so I decided to not include any hints at a sequel. I've actually had a second installment completely planned out for a while now, though, so if anyone wanst to see that story continue I can definitely make it happen...


Saw the new Black Widow movie yesterday. I won't go into depth or spoil anything for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, I'm just going to say that I was impressed. It had an excellent story that was lifted up by the charismatic and entertaining cast. There was really only one thing that I was a little disappointed about, but this movie still managed to exceed my expectations. I definitely recommend it, but let's be honest: you're going to see it anyway.


I've been extremely busy with life lately, hence the lack of updates. Fandomania: The Reign of Necron is not doing nearly as well as I'd hoped, and so I'm putting those updates on hold in order to shift my focus to other possible projects.