
. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :eleventh entry: *ೃ༄ 
          	ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ happy ramadhan mubarak and selamat hari raya !! pm for any more further enquiries , love . maafkan kami atas kesilapan yg terlalu banyak , and terima kasih sbb bersabar .


. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :eleventh entry: *ೃ༄ 
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ happy ramadhan mubarak and selamat hari raya !! pm for any more further enquiries , love . maafkan kami atas kesilapan yg terlalu banyak , and terima kasih sbb bersabar .


. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :tenth entry: *ೃ༄ ( important , please read )
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ assalamualaikum everyone ! this is yuri , the main admin of the account . to keep it short , yuri nak tanya , hadiah semua dah dapat ? kalau belum dpt please pm . sbb yuri tak nak berhutang . 
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ and i know that buku mono awards tu belum 'habis' lagi sbb takde tiga pemenang utama, but honestly , idek how to continue it anymore . the admin yg buat award ni dekat asrama and yuri lost sikit . its my fault for not finishing the task suruh judge buku. ( im sorry but i really cant read 15+ malay books to judge ) and that is my fault , without a doubt . so , yuri minta maaf banyak banyak atas kekurangan yuri , other admins , and the account .
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ if ada participant rasa kecewa , yuri boleh bagi insyaAllah aesthetic icon and header kalau nak . for your account . tapi tu je yg yuri boleh buat . kami, admins semua terlalu busy and im sure you all are too . 
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ jgn unfollow sbb kami sudah pun judge buku awak untuk category yg pertama kan ? cuma tiga main pemenang je yg saya cancel .


. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :eighth entry: *ೃ༄
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sambil kita menunggu the last results for mono award 2021 , sebahagian admin mono-sq telah bersepakat untuk publish kan book club !! mesti tak pernah dengar kan ? book club tu camane ? head to our book club bawah acc ni , untuk tahu lebih lanjut !! insyaAllah tak rugi !


. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :seventh entry: *ೃ༄
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ i have to say this . if you're a participant from the mono awards , do not unfollow . even if tak menang , member mono-sq susah payah judge buku korang . susah payah delegate tasks in between members , to find out siapa boleh judge buku and all . admins busy pun masih boleh lagi update and bagi korang results , insyaAllah . i dont care if you're not a participant , but if you are and you unfollow , then amanah and dignity kau mana ? takde maruah ke ? idk man . it's very childish for you to pull these strings .
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ for others yg still follow , thank you . congratulations to the ones yg menang ! and congratulation for those yg tak menang . all writers dedicate a lot of their time in writing their books , and i salute you all for that . never give up . and you guys can still improve regarding your writings ( and other aspects of your life ) , even if dah menang . good luck !


Dear participants,
          Senarai pemenang bagi setiap genre terpaksa ditunda ke esok hari atas 
          sebab-sebab yang tertentu.
          Maaf kerana selalu menundakan tarikh dan lain-lain. 
          Saya wakil MA2021 menyusun sepuluh jari, memohon maaf 
          andai membuat anda semua tertanya-tanya kenapa selalu terlewat. Jadual harian terlalu padat buat minggu ini.
          Harap maaf.
          Yang benar,


@mono-sq xpe awak..take ur time..saya phm..time2 skrg ni mmg semua org bz...


. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :sixth entry: *ೃ༄
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Assalamualaikum and hello to all participants of mono award 2021 ! 
          tolonglah . kalau awak decide untuk tarik diri , atau pergi hiatus  atau pergi unpublish buku yg awak dah masukkan ke dalam awards tu , inform us first hand boleh ? 
          senang je . pergi dekat pms , and bagitahu , "saya hiatus" , "saya tarik diri" , "saya nak unpublish buku" , and so on .
          member mono-sq dari tadi asyik tercari buku . 
          please inform us first okay ? kita senangkan kerja masing-masing .


. ˚◞♡   ⃗ :fifth entry: *ೃ༄
          ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Assalamualaikum everyone ! sorry for the very late announcement . however , for all the participants of mono awards 2021 , kitaorang would appreciate it if korang boleh announce kat mb lagi sekali ? sebab there are a few genres yang tak tutup lagi . ( most tak tutup lagi )
          which are ;
          - fantasi
          - thriller
          - action
          - horror 
          - short story
          - random 
          masuk tau kalau ada buku ! try your best okay ? and for the participants , seat back and relax while we try our best to settle everything into its place . 
          much love ,
          mono-sq members .


@mono-sq goodluck! ❤️