
The next instalment of 'A Valley of Stars' coming T O D A Y ! Thanks for your patience and stay tuned! ღ


Wow! I'm so excited about reaching 600 views - it's not many in the grand space of things, but still! :D
          I can assure you all that the next chapter of AVoS is well underway and should be up in the next couple of days! :)
          Keep reading and voting, it really does inspire me! :)
          -Monty xo


@mollymerrick Thank you so much for asking - I love my covers a lot! :)
          I'm lucky enough to have had some other Wattpad users make my covers for me. If you'd like to get your own made, you can find many links in the forums/clubs section, and find the Multimedia Designs part.
          I hope you find a cover that you love - and keep writing! :) x


Hi lovelies,
          Yes, I deleted 'Anna'. :( I wrote it when my writing was not as developed and really, I didn't see the point of keeping a story up that I wasn't planning to finish.
          Sorry to those I disappointed!
          Please continue to read 'A Valley of Stars' and 'The Absence of Hours' - it really inspires me! :*
          -Monty xo