AN UPDATE ON MY LIFE: Hey guys, I know I've been gone for a really, really, really long time and you guys are probably furious with me for doing that. But I had a good reason to and I hope you guys understand. Recently, over the last few months, a lot of things about my life have changed. I got married (EEKKK), various family related situations arose that made me realize that I really wanted to spend more time with them, I traveled a little bit, started working full time, and all of a sudden I found myself split between so many different things with no time to write at all. And as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't do it. I've honestly missed you guys so much and I wish I could have explained everything sooner. As sad as I am about not being able to write for you guys, which I love so much, I'm so excited about everything going on in my life right now. BUT I will be picking up writing again very soon, so please be patient and hopeful. Hopefully you guys understand, and know that the friendships I made through writing for you guys are forever.