2020 has begun. My current objective = survive
If your 2019 went well then I hope this year is even better for you! If it wasn't so great then I hope that this year really turns things around! Make some realistic resolutions that you think will benefit you, but don't be disheartened if they don't always work out. Don't feel like you need to meet a deadline, we have all year. Once you've started what you've set out to do and you enjoy it, it will be worth it.
I'm going to work on my confidence by talking to my school wellbeing group and I'm going to look for part time work in my town. 2020 is going to be one hell of a year for me as I'm approaching the end of my high school days (finally xD). Only a few more exams and I'm out of there and off to college. Also turning 16 this year so I have an existencial crisis to look forward to :')
Anyway I wish you all a happy new year!