I'm absolutely amazed by you guys. I began a new school back in January, I've been strictly school and haven't updated my ideas out of lack of time and determination. Promising it's no lack in flow of creativity, strictly my writing has been essays, essays, essays.
A few weeks ago, I sat down and actually read my work, even received some criticism. My eyes burned through my skull, and I didn't feel the depth between the lines. I've been told again and again by my readers that they love the efforts I have made to let them really visualize what I'm in the process of creating.
The pages felt half filled, and the details didn't fit right. Having read thousands of books, I myself was not getting the right feelings out of the text, I couldn't see the plot, or the character's faces. The most important aspect being the technology, and society I needed to play out for you.
I want you to know after a month and a half of taking my time, coming back to an astounding 1,475 reads was... incredible.
Taking note of what I already touched on, I will be giving the story a bit of a plastic surgery.
Just in detail, no new characters, places, or ideas. Perhaps new concepts to ponder, new elements of the period to be aware of, but I promise it will be a stunning finish.
What I will be writing within the next month or so? I'm not certain, perhaps if only a chapter. I'll get something out, you guys honestly deserve it. Thank you for your comments and support, and I'll be letting you know of the changes I do make, and the updates to come!!
Thank you for your patience & for just plain out reading.