
after this daisuke ff, ill be starting a new account.. i am really sorry but i have to.. i can give you my new account in the future if you all would like.


Hewo, its me again.. I know I have been inactive for a super long period of time but Idk if I can still keep up with this. Alot of things has been going through my mind lately and I just wanna get straight to the point... I'M QUITTING, I feel like i have no time for you all anymore and I am actually still surprised that I still have some time for my family, I lately have almost never spare time. This had happen for a few times now and this might NOT be permanent, please forgive my current behavior, if you have any recommendations on how to have time for myself then all of them is definitely welcome.. y'all could still chat with me tho, if you have problems or anything you wanna tell someone but don't know who I'm that person love y'all. Maybe, see you soon. STAY SAFE AND WEAR A MASK!!!!!


I'm gonna start my online classes in Monday so I might have a lit of delays in posting, also I sleep really late and I need to wake up at 5 for me to get up and get ready just for online classes. I really am not ready and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is happening and processing myself to the new normal. I hope y'all could understand and think that I'm not making any excuses hehe. But I'll definitely try and work out my schedule and make time for you guys! It's a good thing my phone won't be taken away in weekday nor weekends! Love yall