INTRODUCTION : born from the tears of the sky and the dirt of the earth , a woman is set in place on a land of TREACHERY and destruction . a women born of pure light and MOONSHINE is placed on a land that shows no KINDNESS to what they have been given , blessed with from the dawn of time . day after day , time after time , she has seen the EVIL that lurks in those she is surrounded with . she has seen what is truly inside those of her LAND , her HOME . they have caused her home to shrivel up and die , plants and animals becoming one with the STARS as they have left what was once a place that they found HAPPINESS in . VALORYA / POISON : the realm that once prospered as a place that held magic rather than darkness , comfort rather than discomfort . a realm that was plagued by the WANT for riches rather than the WANT for everyone and everything to be free and LIVE . her once beautiful and delicate land was now BARE of plants , crops and water by her hands , watching as everyone ran around in panic of the sight . she watched and watched as they continued to damage her land even when she had TAKEN everything from them , had left them with nothing but crisp air and ground .

PART 2 : she came forth and told them of what she had done , why she had done it and what they must do in order to GAIN what she has taken away . she expected them to agree , to do what she had asked and to treat the land with more RESPECT but they had did the opposite . THROW HER OUT , THROW HER OUT . they had all shouted , anger shown in their voices at the person who had made them lose MONEY , GOLD . the people she had once knew had turned on her , had wanted her off the land she only ever knew . EARTH : she was thrown out of VALORYA , tied up and sent through a portal to a place she had not known . blue , purple , red wisps all swirled around her as she fell out of her realm , landing on the rough ground beneath her , the ground she would learn as EARTH . SAMIRA was now not of VALORYA , but of the people of EARTH .