Hello there again! I may have bad news for you all. I've decided that I won't continue to write The Ice Queen or any Mystique Academy Series installment in the future. I've been contemplating my recent performance as a writer, and I'm not satisfied. These days it's been hard for me to push myself to continue The Ice Queen but no good results have been earned. Every time, I try to type words that I want to type in this white blank sheet I find myself frustrated and disappointed with what direction I'm going with this novel and the series. Recently, I find continuing The Ice Queen or any Mystique Academy Series unfulfilling as what I envision for this series starts to fade one by one and a new vision has erupted in my mind. Planning for this series started when I was still in my teen years, so the plots and my characterization are immature and full of loopholes, and as I age and my insight into life has changed. I've decided that I want to start fresh with the first fantasy series I planned during my teen years with a new brand and look that aligns with my vision and insight today. Sorry if this is a sudden decision that will change the course of my writing experience as I am still an amateur at this and still honing my skills in this field. I hope you'll understand and still read my stories because you like them and find them inspiring. Thank you, and I hope you have a great day. -xoxo

Side note: Just That Romance Series is still in the works and will be on hiatus for a while.