To my few followers, what do you think? Should I finish off my remaining fanfics and start working on my original works more, or should I continue with my fanfics?
To my few followers, what do you think? Should I finish off my remaining fanfics and start working on my original works more, or should I continue with my fanfics?
Sorry for the lack of activity right now, it’s kind of chaotic her at home with the pack, but rest assured I’ll be posting something before new year. Not sure if it'll be Fairy Tail or Detective conan Though.
Just out of curiosity for those of my followers who see this, which are you here for?
My gratsu stories?
my Kaishin stories?
Fairy tail in general?
Detective conan/magic kaito in general?
All of the above?
My DC MK1412 one has way more yaoi in it, but it is the first fan fiction I ever wrote, so it is somewhat lacking in spelling and grammar. It does have a good plot, but I’m planning on redoing the story to make easier reading.