100 fans!
Thank you everyone so much! I'm very greatful to all of you out there.
But the reason I sent this message wasn't only to thank you guys.
If you guys have noticed on my profile I have a tumblr blog. I doubt any of you guys cared to look before, because it really have nothing to do with my wattpad account, but now I have a reason to bring this to your attention!
Starting today I'm going to basically be opening an 'Ask the Characters' kind of thing!
You can ask any character from any of my stories a question and I will draw their response for you!
Unfortunately, I can't do most of it digitally right now, so you'll have to suffer through pencil/pen drawings.
But I still thought it'd be a fun idea for any of you guys who want to ask their favorite character a question that wasn't adressed!
That, and I don't have too much time to type a chapter right now in Japan, but I have plenty of time to doodle in class and such. XD
So if you guys are interested take a peek!