
Soooo... Kind of random, but I did some reading list from books that I remember I found good at the time where I was reading them. Probleme is that it's sometimes 2-3 years ago.
          	I'm pretty sure that I have some in my hole list that I like and didn't put in.. . Yeah that was it.
          	Have a nice evening. 


Soooo... Kind of random, but I did some reading list from books that I remember I found good at the time where I was reading them. Probleme is that it's sometimes 2-3 years ago.
          I'm pretty sure that I have some in my hole list that I like and didn't put in.. . Yeah that was it.
          Have a nice evening. 


Hey, wie kommt es dazu, dass du mir folgst? <3


@ Sternenwunsch_Aurora  hab dich irgendwie schon öfter in Büchern kommentieren gesehen die ich gelesen habe. (kann sein das ich mich irre kamst mir nur bekannt vor) die meisten der Kommentare entsprachen so ziemlich dem was ich gedacht habe.
            Ich hab mir deine Seite angeschaut und mich in sehr vielem von dem was du geschrieben hast wieder gefunden.
            Reicht das? XD