✨things may not come in your way but believe in yourself, because there's always a chance for everything as long as you'll not stop hoping, wishing, dreaming and praying

✨learn to be independent, prioritize yourself and give without expectations

✨people will always criticize you no matter what, but remember that you don't need to change anything within you just to fit in, stay true and be the best version of you

✨i know this is too mainstream but please, don't put in a lot of trust to someone; even if that person is way too nice and approachable, because in the end it's your choice, it's your decision and you'll never know if they're really worth trusting for

✨choose your friends wisely, make sure that they're worth the trust granted

✨finally, think like an optimist and hope for the better, why better? because there's always a room for improvement in all matters

✴a friendly reminder from a pessimistic pensive person

i may not write any stories, but i assure you that the writers whom i have been following, have the works that you won't regret spending your leisure time with; enjoy the worthwhile reads!
  • dimmsdale
  • JoinedMarch 31, 2012