What's that am I actually on wattpad? Haha... I jumped on to just see how things were going!
My main comment revisiting this site: WHY ARE YOU GUYS STILL READING TTMLS?!? HOW ARE YOU EVEN FINDING IT?! IT HAD 10 READS YESTERDAY!!! FDLSKJF! Seriously this work is going to haunt me forever.. there's no escaping it...
On a positive note some of what I'm writing now is apparently really good? I had my first ever class critique of my work and among a plethora of positivity I heard "masterful with dialogue" "insane opening lines" "when you publish this I want one of the first copies" and my favorite from my professor "It's not often I have a genre writer of such power, confidence, and narrative facility as you display in these pieces."
Why am I sharing this? I'm not entirely sure... I guess I just felt really secure in my writing for the first time in a while? Likewise no matter where your writing starts, even if it's some crappy text message romance that no one understands is a satire (although TTMLS is by no means my first work-just my first shared one) that is still somehow getting views, you can reach a point where your work "echoes of a novel" and you're encouraged to transform your short story into a novel and publish it.
So I guess I came on here for nostalgia, to be shocked by the views on my old story, and to encourage you to never give up! I never "made it" as a wattpad author BUT the fact that I haven't been on this website advertising my book in about half a year and it's still daily averaging (according to the graph I saw today anyway) 10 reads a day isn't too shabby, nevertheless wattpad is a particular niche-even if you only have a grand total of one read on your story that doesn't mean there isn't an audience-wattpad just isn't the RIGHT one.
Am I making any sense? Probably not... I'm desperately in need of a nap or coffee. But maybe you'll get something out of this.
I'll be back! In like another half a year haha!