
Guys I really want to read a peaky blinders meet six of crows book. It would be amazing. I might write one myself if I can find one. Any thoughts? I you have read one please recommend 



Ok lets be serious for a second here, this to all my LBGTQ+ community. Let be very clear you need NO ONES acceptance but your own. Yes it is nice to know that your people have your back but never let what they think EVER affect you or who you love and chooses to spend your time with. So be happy and remember its almost Friday 


Should I continue to post on the story I was writing? I mean, did anyone actually read it or should I just give up on it?


@moonlarkherondale it didn’t matter if anyone reads it or not it matters if you are having fun or not and I really like your story


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Uuugggg I am soo stressed right now. I have a play coming up and I just wanted a tiny part (I get really bad stage fright) but I got one of the biggest fucking parts. 


We just had a extra part so the teacher gave it to me


@moonlarkherondale oh wow! well that means that your really good at acting! isnt that a good thing??