I know I promised I’d be active and I haven’t been. At the time I thought that I’d have the summer off and just have to work a few hours, however that is not the case sadly as I need to do a summer term for my program. I literally just found this out when I applied for the program, as I was told when looking into it that it would only be Fall and Spring semesters. However, that is obviously not the case. This has left me with a mix of anger, stress, and anxiety, so I have not been in the best mental headspace these past few weeks. However, I’m trying to push through it. Just know that I do not respond it’s not me trying to ignore you I’m likely just busy with either school, work, or clinical hours.
Once again, I’m so sorry for letting everyone down, I’m trying to work through this myself right now and figure out what to do to not stress myself out. Meanwhile when I am on and chilling I will try to respond to stuff on here or on Discord, just please give me time. If I miss something, for sure tag me so I can see it and respond.
Thank you.