hey author, i spent the last two days reading your completed stories: izzan annisa, urooj, BAHK, flowers and thorns. And i just wanted to come here and say thanks and leave a note of appreciation for your incredible talent of weaving such incredible stories of love and romance. Redemption and forgiveness. Of healing ultimately. Thank you for giving me stories where the human beings had a margin to be human. Make mistakes, ask for forgiveness and actually be forgiven. For giving me stories that could relate to so so much. Especially in a time where I frequently read about stories where one mistake or breach in perfection makes relationships irreparable. Life doesn't work like that. It doesn't just stop at a second chance. We have to keep giving love and the people we love a lot of chances as they will do to you because no one is perfect. And people we really love and who love us worth all the chances and work. For anyone who’s immediately jumping to “well what about abusive situations?” Every situation is a chance to learn, practice discernment and truly rise above to be your best self. You will know when to stay forgiven and give a chance and when to walk away. Practicing discernment and having faith is an act of self love. Quite a tangent there but just wanted to again say, you wrote beautifully about “humans” and i loved every bit of it. Also special shout out for weaving the thread of female desire through all of your stories. They are not passive receivers but also active givers. I love that!