Hi guys. A lots been happening lately in the world that I'm sure some of you are aware of that I, as a black queer person feel the need to speak up about. This is all hurting me a lot and I can't begin to imagine how black people in the West feel because their experience this first hand. I've been trying to take my mind off of things when I can by writing but it's difficult cause I'm here, and I can't do much and all I'm thinking is about the protesters who are out there risking their lives, about the black lives lost, the ones who we don't know about who weren't caught on camera. The fact that people are being killed for the colour of their skin is disgusting. And it angers me even more seeing some of you use this as a way to promote your brands. Some of you don't even care and will post fcking chains like they do anything. And some of you are silent that doesn't excuse you at all, silence is compliance. You have chosen the side of the oppressor if you decided to be quiet. Do whatever it is you can, if like me you can't protest, sign petitions, donate to organisations to help protestors SHARE these sites and USE your platform to spread awareness. Please, stop treating this as a trend you can feed off of. Black lives matter, not only today, not only when it benefits you, but always.
Here's a link to sign a petition. I'll put as much as I can in the comment section