
/ just.. just saying.. i wanna make.. a carl grimes anon.. so bad..


/ @timedelay | omg.. this has skyrocketed my muse to make him even more..


@moonsdrops  **  encouraging u to do so  ...


Afton  just didn’t think he can help him with his anger.    ..  in a non harmful way,  at least.    he knows for certain   moon wants to / harm / him ,  especially when he said something about ‘  two ideas ‘ what the hell?    ..    he doesn’t even wanna know,  at this point honestly.   ugh..    he  took one step close and to the side slightly,  as if trying to get past  moon still,  / obviously /,  but  a different way this time.    “No,    I really..    can’t  help you with your damned / anger /,!   I don’t know  how the hell I could.    seriously..    just / stop /,  will you ?”   At this point,    William was becoming rather irritated  that the moon animatronic just was not budging from Afton’s  entrance to the office.   ugh..  he’s definitely gonna have to push him  much rougher this time if he wants in.  is that really a BRIGHT IDEA though?    probably  not..     he didn’t do that yet, though.    /yet/.    “I can’t help you. I don’t know  how I could..”    [@moonsdrops]
          \ replying here.   refreshed my board


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he  really seemed to not care at all.  and moon just seemed to be getting much more aggressive by the minute. he sighed,   stepping backwards like he was /. told /.    well,   not exactly like that really..     he doesn’t listen to people at all,   so yeah ..     (…)        Afton stared blankly at all of the mouthful of words for a moment,  scoffing and scowling before  a roll of his eyes.    he backed up some more,   turning his back on the moon based robot,  as if SEARCHING FOR A CERTAIN  OBJECT.    “god,  don’t you ever SHUT up.  “ he’d mumble quietly under his breathe, finally finding it and reaching down,  taking it out of the nearby toolbox. he then stood — back up, gazing up and over at the other being,   while  holding the  sharp weapon tightly in his palms.    “Either you,  /move/ or i’ll fucking /HIT/  parts you won’t  necessarily like,  with this axe. you don’t wanna malfunction do you?”   the   serial killer DERANGED MAN QUESTIONED in a dark voice,   though he stayed in his spot.   as if Afton was / nervous / to hit them at all.    like he was unsure if it was even a good idea to do it or not.   (…) like , he was scared that if he ATTEMPTS,   William would be the hurt one.    [@moonsdrops]   “so, whats it gonna be.  you gonna / move/?  “ 


when did i? well.. it isn’t quite common for animatronics to swear, no? but i still know such words.. and decided they would be perfect to reveal i know more words than i tend to let on, afton. such is proved by the fact.. you seemed to have not known i had begun swearing, even if there is definitely sarcasm in your tone that i had caught. ( he grinned, as if he had dodged the question nearly entirely—which was accurate, as he had done just that. he seemed to be somewhat good at avoiding questions, though. perhaps due to former experience with a particular sun animatronic that he was tied to. ) i don’t want to watch my goddamn mouth, and i, in human years, am an adult based on my programming. therefore, i see no reason as to why i should listen to the likes of you. ( moon noted how william moved closer, and he clenched his metallic teeth in annoyance. ) back up, afton.. you seem to be in my personal space. ever heard of such a thing? oh, wait—i bet you haven’t, have you? ( he snarled, his eye twitching as a second or two of whirring mechanics sounded due to him having done so. ) excuse me? you’re very cruel.. did you know? oh, of course you did—you must be told that you are almost all of the time. by whom? i wish i knew who it was apart from myself, because i would thank them.. but i WILL NOT MOVE because the likes of YOU had ordered me to. ( he replied, his voice seemingly calm. he seemed unbothered again by the rougher push, and he simply stared with a blank expression on his face. )
            / @aftcnmasscre


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      ..     now,  when did you start /  swearing /?  hmm?   “       he questioned sarcastically  with a   roll of his eyes,   william is really  wanting to shove them again but rougher.      he     DEFINITELY WANTS TO ,  OH SO FUCKING BAD.   BUT IS HE RIGHT NOW??   ugh..   not yet.     just / giving some time / right now ..    for now ..   “    you  should definitely watch your /fucking/ mouth.  now ,  PLEASE MOVE YOU DAMN ROBOT.  “   his voice / laced / with bitter and venom    ,       william  sighed a bit,  biting his own tongue for a second or two,    before  slowly moving    SEMI -  CLOSER TOWARDS THE LUNAR BASED ANIMATRONIC.       “ᵃⁿᵈ   you,     should just fucking move out of my god damn / way /.  this is getting  REAL IRRITATING.   i told ya,   i cannot ( help you ) with your damned anger ,    so just let’s  / end / this damned conversation,  and MOVE OUTTA MY WAY PLEASE.    “    he spoke   in an darker voice now —    GETTING CLOSE AND  SHOVING THE MOON ONCE MORE. TRYING TO SHOVE HIM ROUGHER THAN BEFORE.    [@moonsdrops]


 .   .    un— sure how you ripped ṰH̭R̭O̭ṶG̭H̭ my skin.  (..)    BUT,    im gonna  tear you apart. 


┎  ɪᴅ:       @moonsdrops  ←
              ⎧    he gripped onto his wound that is bleeding out onto the ground,  hissing sharply tightly.   while he took several steps back. ⎧  .. MOON.  (…)   G̭O̭ A̭W̭A̭Y̭ ṊO̭W̭.̭ 


            that’s u̶n̶i̶m̶p̶o̶r̶t̶a̶n̶t̶ right now. no need for such c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶r̶n̶,̶ you know. ( moon mused, shaking his head as he sighed. ) don’t worry.. o̶r̶ ̶d̶o̶.̶


┎  ɪᴅ:       @moonsdrops   ←
               ….    WHAT  THE   H̭ḘḼḼ  happened to you ?  i didn ‘ t   ( even ) harm / you /,   or / sun /.     (…)  I̭ ḒI̭ḒṊṰ C̭H̭A̭ṊG̭Ḙ Y̭O̭ṶR̭ P̭R̭O̭G̭R̭A̭M̭M̭I̭ṊG̭.̭ 