
OK. I'm planning a book. I'll publish it so you guys can get a rough idea and see if you like it or not. Make sure to read and comment. It would make me very, very happy. 


Good news: I may be uploading soon! Yay~~ My stories now are so much better and are probably more realistic soI'm happy.
          Bad news: I messed up my Russian exam... (-_-) like wtf. And I'll be uploading the stories in two's so sorry if the story you were reading doesn't come out.


Hey guys, haven't been here in ages.
          Also, in a little bit, I will be deleting all of my stories. Don't be shocked or scared and start running around like a headless chicken. They'll all be back.... Someday (^◇^;)
          BUT! I will trust you to come back and read them when they're published again, so please just stick around I guess. I will be giving updates through here on my progress just so you guys can get a good idea of when I'll be back in action. 
          Well then, bye bye for now : )


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Okay! If any of you follow Jungsu, which none of you probably do, he's not online anymore and I'll be taking over his book. It's one my group of friends and I were meant to do together to help any of you with your problems. And trust me, shit happens and when it does we're the best people you can come to.... Besides whoever you trust more. But! You can DM me and I'll listen to your problem. Of course, I won't mention your name in the book I'll publish. I'll write your situation so that people who have a similar problem can read and see what they can do to help themselves. (I recommend talking to me first though, it helps more.) 
          So yeah, that's it. It's going to be a big book of HELP. It also provides me with a bit of experience since I'm planning to become a psychologist/psychiatrist and I just like helping people. 
          SO! Make sure to check the book out when it gets published, and don't be shy. I don't bite. Usually. : ) 


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These goddamn Weeaboo compilations make me laugh my ass off, but at the same time make me want to: 1. Vomit    2. Break something    3. Kill somebody    4. Make someone cry   5. Give them a 5-hour long aggressive lecture on "Weeaboo How-Not-To" and slap them.