
I'm happy you finally joined the publishing Kind  i will defenetly read your story because i love your audio series so much! I hoped it to be a fanfic someday 
          But first things first: you are not alone with overthinking about typos or if your english is correct or not as youre not an native speaker ir with social anxiety. I'm German and my gramma sucks at both languages xD i just want to say: people who say something about your writing mostly meant just good to help you. You will see: your readers will give you support and courage to keep going some day so it will be easier for you with time :) oh and if you ever need a good translator i use "Deepl" and no one complained so far 
          Keep your head up my dear, i believe in you :)


@ WolfsAki  thats the spirit! :D


@WolfsAki thank you so much for your kind words :) I'm mostly excited about this new chapter in my publishing career :'D so far the HL fandom has been one of the kindest and warmest I've ever come across and I'm really hoping it stays that way concerning written content.
            and yeah, what even is grammar...o.O 
            thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated :) <3