
@AnnaxLove don't be hatin'  i think most of mine suck too :P  one's horror, other's fantasy, and the latest is fan-fic.  i only started posting the sci-fi one because it needed the least work to edit-  so feel free to glance through a couple of my Leo chapters (and if you can come up with a better title, feel free ^_^ ) and when i get off work tomorrow i'll make note to read some of yours :D


@AnnaxLove don't be hatin'  i think most of mine suck too :P  one's horror, other's fantasy, and the latest is fan-fic.  i only started posting the sci-fi one because it needed the least work to edit-  so feel free to glance through a couple of my Leo chapters (and if you can come up with a better title, feel free ^_^ ) and when i get off work tomorrow i'll make note to read some of yours :D


@AnnaxLove kinda saw that when i checked out your profile :P i like your selection of writing though, with paranormal and whatnot, that's usually where my comfort zone is :D even though the book i'm putting up now is sci-fi,   which one of yours do you think i should read first? :)