
@Samk723 Aw, thank you so much! That's so sweetI'm not exactly sure which stories you're talking about, but I hope you have a wonderful day, my little moose/squirrel/llama/apocalypse survivor!! You're so nice, and I appreciate your feedback so much oh my goodness. Stay positive, darling


I'm reading all your stories haha


@Samk723 Aw, thank you so much! That's so sweetI'm not exactly sure which stories you're talking about, but I hope you have a wonderful day, my little moose/squirrel/llama/apocalypse survivor!! You're so nice, and I appreciate your feedback so much oh my goodness. Stay positive, darling


I'm reading all your stories haha


Oh. My. God. First off: your writing style is amazing
          Secondly: suspense Much!
          Thirdly: hello my name is [sam]. It had to be done shhhh. We should be friends, by your style in writing and fangirlness we have a lot in common <3