
Wow. Man is it embarrassing to read something you don't remember posting. Please ignore literally anything from 2017 and earlier. Argh. Anyways, just checkin this place out again. Wish I was still as creative as I used to be when writing! I doubt anyone will see this or even remember me but, if you do? Hi! Hope life is treating you well.


Wow. Man is it embarrassing to read something you don't remember posting. Please ignore literally anything from 2017 and earlier. Argh. Anyways, just checkin this place out again. Wish I was still as creative as I used to be when writing! I doubt anyone will see this or even remember me but, if you do? Hi! Hope life is treating you well.


Ello friends. New book coming soon. But there is one thing I'd like to ask. Would you rather me post it one chapter at a time  or do the whole book at once? If I did it all at once it might let me get it done faster and be able to edit and revise it to perfection! But chapter after chapter could also work. Let me know!


Hey guys! Big news! Me and a friend are thinking about making a collaboration account where we write books together. She will also be helping out with my book so if you see some credits in the future they will be to her! If and when we make the collab account I will update you guys on it and tag th  account. 
          Her account: @Kaps14 
          Updates coming soon!!! 
          Stay amazing