
apparently all you guys can see this on your notification board now?? but anyway hi! just one announcement real quick, i’m going to be doing a Q&A for the upcoming end of SYS, either respond to this message with your question, go on chapter 19 (final chapter!) of SYS and comment there, or just personal message me! thanks guys, hope you have a good Labor Day weekend!


apparently all you guys can see this on your notification board now?? but anyway hi! just one announcement real quick, i’m going to be doing a Q&A for the upcoming end of SYS, either respond to this message with your question, go on chapter 19 (final chapter!) of SYS and comment there, or just personal message me! thanks guys, hope you have a good Labor Day weekend!


it's been a long time since i've been on here but oh whelp!
          just wanted to say that i've outlined the last few chapters for screw you, soulmate! the story is coming to an end, unfortunately, but i'm excited for you guys to see what's coming next.
          next chapter is a bit fluffy but i think we all need it after what i put my characters through in the last few chapters.
          it should be updated sometime tomorrow and if not then it will probably sometime on saturday. 
          thank you all!


hey guys, not posting the upcoming chapter of SYS today because i haven’t written it yet lol. yes i’m a bad author i know, but i’ve got a lot of stuff on my plate so it’ll be up next Friday night sometime.
          hope you all have a lovely day/night!
          morgan kay


i love you so much you amazing human :)


the best author*!!! take your time with the chapter, we can wait! (:


okay for the few who are interested, Screw You, Soulmate’s next chapter will be pushed back to Saturday night at 9 o’clock central time. I have softball tomorrow and I’d thought  it be best if I posted at my normal time on a different day. 
          Love you all
          Morgan Kay