you..  are you one of lord kar's creations?  or,  are you yet another pesky human that i could smash in a single instant.  


☞  ᜰ  id. @FLAMEPlLLAR !⠀──
            *  it took a moment,  the male hesitating to even look towards the other before his gaze was focused upon him.  his lips parted to answer,  the automatic response that desired to spill out was that he was human,  but he stopped himself.  the question asked forced him to remember his newly acquired  . . .  state  —  maybe he was human once before,  but that was no longer the case.  it gnawed harshly at him,  sharp teeth digging into his bottom lip on impulse,  managing to stop himself before he pierced through the skin  *  i’m, ah, one of kars’ creations  . . .  *  the answer felt so strange to kira,  it didn’t sound normal  —  yet that didn’t matter now,  there was nothing normal about him now  (  &  if truth be told, there was really nothing normal about him to  /  begin  /  with  —  even before this sudden  . . .  transformation  )  * 


kira,   *   there's a newfound patience behind the elder being's voice as he enters the room,  closing it carefully behind him afterwards.   he doesn't turn on the light   &   simply stands there,  pausing momentarily before speaking out to the blond.   *   you can't stay under that blanket of yours forever.   you're going to need to eat eventually    ..    &   you haven't eaten since you've turned.   go much longer,  &   you'll be in worse condition than you are now.   come on out.


☞  ᜰ  id. @ultimaztec !  ──
            *  a light stir was elicited in reaction upon hearing him enter  &  speak,  eyes tiredly opening whilst a small groan slipped past his lips.  it took a moment for the male to sit up,  struggling in the process as he clutched the blanket he kept wrapped around his body close.  he didn’t know why he still wore it,  no matter how much he waited,  it wasn’t going to warm him up  —  he supposed he just found comfort in it  *  but kars  . .  *  came his words,  almost coming out like a whine as he stared at the other,  his sight adjusted to the darkness  &  being able to completely make out his shape.  the thought of being able to eat made his empty stomach twist in knots,  eyes squinting in discomfort at the feeling as one of his hands from underneath his cover went to clutch at it.  it sounded nice,  being able to eat something after awhile,  but kira was ultimately conflicted  *  i - i don’t know if i can  . . —  *  he started,  cut off by another dull pang from his body,  hunching over a little as he exhaled sharply.  it was quite the predicament he found himself in:  if it were normal food,  kira would have eaten a long time ago,  but  —  *  i - i don’t think i can eat  . . .  a person.  it isn’t  —  . .  *  normal.  he wanted to say that,  but he knew he couldn’t  —  nothing about him was normal anymore,  it would be hypocritical.  despite that,  he still found himself trying to act as though nothing as changed in the slightest.  the mere idea of eating something made him cringe,  shaking his head in protest  *  i can’t do it  —  . . 


/  hi queen please step on me 


/ y eah, it’s just the quarantine and sudden rioting everywhere and just like ,, y’know people being ignorant all of a sudden is overwhelming. and that’s good! we got a lot of time on our hands so it’s best spent chillin ❤️


@goregeist  ᜰ  bRo, you good ?? with everything that’s happening rn,, it’s just crazy,, hope ur staying safe :( ❤️ and i’ve just been chilling tbh 


/  UH i’ve been existing (^: but all this crazy stuff has been happening over here it’s hard to keep my chill lmao. hbu? 