So you like Harry Potter, Snowbaz, Phan, Sherlock, Troye, Anime, Hamilton, kpop, percy jackson and like to play musical instruments, HOW ARE YOU REAL WE'RE THE SAME PERSON, HOW?!?
It's 1:22 am but I can't sleep and I have 10% on my phone but the charger doesn't reach my bed and I'm getting my hair redyed in 2 days but that means my scalp's gonna be itchy for a week and the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child release party I'm going to is the day after and Dan just released his diss track (and by just I mean a couple days ago) and in it he said "what the fuck even is my sexuality" and "people ship me with my friend because they think it's kawaii" and I nearly screamed but then realized it's not really news that he's not straight and I'm just a big mess