I put in a help ticket about the keyboard issue and this was the response for anyone who is having/will have this issue and I’m hoping this update also fixes those having trouble publishing/getting published notifications: “The fix for this issue will be released in the 10.95 version of the app. This new version will become available to you within two weeks, so as soon as it's available to you, make sure you update your app. I can't give a concrete timeline of when exactly it should appear for you as we slowly roll out new versions, so the fix is not available to everyone immediately. Please note that because this fix is being released in the 10.95 version, you will still experience this issue on any version lower than this.”
@strvngerss @-sanacore @tearsricochets two weeks made my jaw drop :’( I’m hoping they’re exaggerating and it gets fixed sooner than that bc I’m LOSING IT