
/          CB  &&  SPECIFY  !        (  missed  this  bastard  )


/       something     frustrated    or angsty pls ! or whatever you’re in the mood for ! < 33


/     pspspspspsps


/    <333  much love for you,  man,  &  good luck w/ the rest of the writing process!!  (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


@takinaim ،،
            /          ahh,      i  feel  you.      it  does  get  overwhelming  at  times,      especially  if  it's  your  first  year
                      thank  you!!       &&.   ofc,      i'd  love  for  you  to  read  it  :)


/    considering pulling a jesper and running away from college fr.  
            but AHHH that's so cool?!?  i'm happy for you!!  look at you,  fulfilling childhood dreams...  <33   i bet it's gonna be a great read.  if you're comfortable and if you've alr published it,  share it w/ me one of these days!  gonna be ur #1 fan fr


/          it's  missing  kaz  hours,       CB  &&  SPECIFY !


/ something angsty or           chaotic if you can please !         < 3        
                       additionally ,     I just wanted to forewarn you that my replies may be a little slow     atm     ,      as I’m helping out with a family matter this weekend .      I hope this is okay     < 3 


,,   SCREAMING AND BEGGING !!!! threatening !! 


/          ++  drop  stuff


/ the way you’ve got me wanting to read shadow and bone tho :eyes:


@dothborne ،،
            /          ahh  do  it !!      i  liked  s&b  for  the  lore  but  nearly  everyone  collectively  agrees  that  the  six  of  crows  duology  is  the  best  series  in  the  grishaverse   ++   the  way  the  books  tie  together  is  VERY  satisfying   ( all  the  way  from  shadow  and  bone  until  rule  of  wolves )


-` ♯.             cb  &&  specify   (:


/ angsty or anything business related pls < 3 


/   surprise  me  on  jes  once  more  &  like  a  teensy  bit  fascinated  on  here  ;)




" tih erinak, yeri ave aiqtirab. "
               one of her khas says this to her when he enters and she looks up from where she sits sharpening her swords. she can't help the way her face lights up slightly. it had been too long since she had seen her father. though, as excited as she was to see him, she knew it likely wasn't a pleasure visit. 
               " yursil mae she. "
               SEND HIM IN. 
               the kha does as he's told and a moment later, her father stands in the entrance of her tent with three strangers at his back. she smiles, turning towards the others inside her tent as she sheaths her blade. 
               " atrukna. "
               LEAVE US. 
               they do as they are told, and when her men are gone, she happily folds into her father's arms when he spreads them, squeezing him tightly. she was training to be a ko like him, it was true, but when he was around, she felt as though she was merely a child again. 
               obero smiles as he hugs his youngest tight, squeezing her gently in return. " commanding ogatto's khas already, are you? "
               " ogatto, too. " she answers, arching an eyebrow and smiling softly when he laughs. 
               " i have no doubt. "
               yalaki glances at the three crows at her father's back and her dark eyebrow arches further. " i take it you have much to catch me up on. who are they? "


[ @mortrdem ]
                 yalaki's eyes flicker between the men. " i'm afraid you are asking the wrong warrior. the khal is the one who gives the orders, i just carry them out. "
                 " the khal is in highgarden discussing an alliance by marriage with the tyrells, " obero counters. " which means it is your responsibility to give the order in his stead. "
                 " you must take me for a fool, father, " the girl cocks her head. " it is not my allegiance you want. it is my men. am i wrong? "
                 the older ko pauses and he huffs a sigh through his nose. " this is not an average dothraki pillaging, yalaki. this is hardhome, beyond the wall. i have told you - "
                 " you have told me a lot of things, " she is quick to cut him off. " but i do not plan on knitting by the fire while my men put their lives on the line for a khal they do not even serve. perhaps i am small and perhaps i am a girl, but i am every bit of ko as you are, father. and i do not need your permission to fight alongside my army. " the younger brunette turns her eyes to jesper. " i am in, sir jesper. you have my men and you have me. " she makes a point to meet her father's eye. " whether you like it or not, you have me. "


━━━【  @dothborne  】     ،،       JESPER'S  STIFLED  LAUGHTER  GETS  TRAPPED  IN  HIS  THROAT,      and  a  single  glance  from  kaz  is  enough  to  make  him  swallow  it  down.      SORRY,      he  mouths  with  a  sheepish  grin.      BUT  EVEN  INEJ  WAS  SUPRESSING  A  SMILE;      they  liked  her.
                      ‘  excuse  my  ignorance;      prison  cells  make  poor  study  halls,  ’     kaz  says,      giving  the  ko  a  pointed  look.
                      KHAL  OGATTO,      obero's  eldest.      so  she  was  ko  of  her  brother's  khalessar?      the  gears  shift,      his  mind  etching  information  automatically.      ‘  kaz  brekker,  ’      he  simply  says,      discarding  the  nickname  she  gave  him.      HE'S  HEARD  WORSE  NAMES—hell,      he  coined  them  all  for  himself.
                      ‘  annnd  we  digress,  ’      jesper  pipes  in,      chuckling  as  he  speaks.      ‘  the  point  our  boss  is  trying  to  make  here  is,      we  have  skills  your  father  could  use  in  order  to  find  / his /  khal—pardon  me  for  butchering  your  language—  and  bring  hime  home,      safe  and  sound.      so,      are  you  in  or  are  you  out?  ’


[ @mortrdem ]
                 " khal rhaego is my father's khal, not mine. " the girl corrects him, taking in the three crows with carefully calculating brown eyes. 
                 obero can't help but chuckle. yalaki was hardly one to keep up false pleasantries, nor bite her tongue.
                 " dothraki culture is a bit different from that of the seven kingdoms. one khal is not / the / khal. there are many khalassars littered throughout essos. " he lifts his eyebrows. " my eldest son, ogatto, is khal of a khalassar thirty five thousand men strong. "
                 " i am nearly at my fifteenth name day. when that day comes, i will be named ko of khal ogatto's khalassar. " yalaki says, lifting her chin with pride. her eyes fall back on brekker. " do you have a name or shall i just call you mahrazh ma cane? " 
                 MAN WITH CANE.
                 " go easy on them, yalli, " obero murmurs to the girl. " they're here to help. "


it isn't unusual for him to see new variants coming in and out of the TVA. he's usually with mobius in his cubicle working on cases or prepping for field-ops or you can maybe find him in the library looking through case files. or perhaps he's just bored and skimming through midgardian literature - as loathe as he is to admit it, some of it is actually pretty decent.
               but today, he sits with casey on desk duty, flipping absentmindedly through one of mobius' many magazines when B-15 comes hauling a man in through the golden elevator doors.
               " oh, good, " B-15 says, thrusting the man forward toward the desk. " didn't realize you were actually working today. you get to take mr. brekker here to the time theater to wait for mobius. "
               the raven haired god arches an eyebrow. " sure you can trust me with that? " he cocks his head, smiling with satisfaction when she rolls her eyes so hard he's surprised she doesn't give herself a stroke. 
               " don't mess around with me today, variant. i am in no mood. " she glowers, sending the two men a look before stalking off to do . . . whatever is she needed to do. 
               loki clicks his tongue. " always a stickler, that one, " he murmurs, turning back towards the man and offering a tight-lipped smile. " first time, i presume? "


[ @mortrdem ]
                 the raven-haired god rounds the desk, lifting his eyebrows. 
                 " well, i wasn't there so i'm not entirely sure, but if i had to guess, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. " he tips his head. " don't take it too harshly. it happens to the best of us. come on. i'll catch you up. "
                 he turns his head back to casey. " tell mobius - mr. brekker, was it? - and i are taking a quick detour and we will meet him in the time theater momentarily. "
                 casey frowns. " but B-15 said - "
                " the day i listen to given orders will be the day the nine hells freeze over, casey. " he calls over his shoulder, already making his way to the other set of golden elevators on the left side of the room. he turns his head, lifting his dark eyebrows at the new variant. " come on, then. don't dawdle. i have a lot to fill you in on. "


-` ♯.             〔   @SlLVERTONGUES    〕     ،،
                      KAZ  THOUGHT  THAT  NOTHING  COULD  LEAVE  HIM  BEWILDERED  ANYMORE.      after  all  he's  seen  and  done,      how  would  a  man  like  him  be  caught  off  guard?      but  whatever  wretched  saint  or  god  watching  over  him  seemed  to  have  other  ideas.
                      HE  WAS  WORKING  A  JOB.      a  suicide  mission,      in  all  truth.      THE  CROWS  WERE  TO  CROSS  THE  SHADOW  FOLD,      find  a  certain  grisha,      and  deliver  them  to  a  fellow  con  artist  back  in  ketterdam  all  for  the  generous  prize  of  thirty  million  kruge.      IT  SEEMED  STRAIGHTFORWARD  ENOUGH,      and  they'd  done  it  before.
                      brekker  had  heard  of  the  nightmares  lurking  within  the  fold.      BUT  WHAT  COULD  POSSIBLY  SCARE  THE  MONSTER  THAT  KETTERDAM  FEARED  SO  MUCH?
                      half  a  dozen  orange  portals  opening  up  in  the  middle  of  a  volcra  attack  seemed  to  do  the  trick  well  enough.
                      ONE  MOMENT  HE  WAS  HEARING  JESPER'S  REVOLVERS  FIRING,      the  squaller  manning  their  sandskiff  being  defended  by  inej  as  they  neared  the  threshold  of  the  fold.      BUT  THEN  THE  ARMOURED  SOLDIERS  RUSHED  IN  with  their  strange  weaponry.      one  of  them  grabbed  him  by  the  collar  and  pulled  him  into  what  he  could  only  describe  as  a  luminescent  doorway  before  the  fold  was  gone.
                      ‘  what  is  the  meaning  of  this?  ’      he  demands  the  dark–haired  man  in  front  of  him,      gloved  hand  gripping  his  cane,      fighting  the  urge  to  break  someone's  jaw.      WHERE  IS  INEJ?     WHAT  HAPPENED  TO  JESPER?      he  had  seen  them  being  apprehended,      but  whatever  magical  sorcery  pulled  them  into  this  realm  seemed  to  deliver  his  crows  to  a  separate  location.