
Hey guys!
          	New story is up! It’s a rewrite of my first ever story on here ‘hidden truths’. The take is pretty different but the theme is the same. Please check them both out and enjoy 


          How’s everyone doing?
          There’s a new story that’s joined my other works for you all to read. It’s a compilation of short pieces I’ve written, all random and about different things.
          Oh and all the drafts for ‘is there a road back to the way we were’ are also complete so I’ve been updating a few chapters at a time.
          Feel free to read them or even my older works when you have the time 
          Have a good day ☺️


Hey guys 
          It’s been a while but I’ve got a decent amount of chapters published now and a lot more saved in my drafts.
          I’m still working on new chapters and saving them in the drafts ready to publish at a later point.
          It would be great if you guys could check out what’s been published so far if you haven’t already done so and leave feedback. Even if you just leave a vote that would be really appreciated ❤️
          Thanks guys 
          Stay safe and happy  


